Unlock your brand’s potential with exclusive design services at Techbox!

Do you only create WordPress websites?

Yes. WordPress is a great content management system that now powers more than 30% of the web. Its huge market share is due to it’s flexibility and ease of use. Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how to manage it and help you along the way.

Do I have to be local to work with you?

Nope! We work with clients all over the world. Our whole team works remotely, allowing us to find the absolute best team for our business.

Will I be able to update the site myself when it’s finished?

Yes! We love it when our clients take control of their website and learn to manage it on their own. We’ll provide you with a set of comprehensive video tutorials to help you learn your way around, as well provide you with a training session to help get you on your way. (Note: We love to answer your questions!)

Will you maintain my site for me?

We can! We provide on-going support for many of our clients. Check out our WordPress Support Packages.

What is the difference between UX/UI Design and Web design?

The biggest difference between UI/UX design and web design is that web design focuses on what a website looks like and UI/UX design focuses on what the experience of using a site or app feels like. The ultimate goal of UI/UX design is to build something that doesn’t only look “nice,” but changes a user’s desired behavior and decision-making process.

Do I have to be local to work with you?

Nope! We work with clients all over the world. Our whole team works remotely, allowing us to find the absolute best team for our business.

Do I need to learn any programming languages?

Short answer is no. You can become a great product designer without learning to code, but I would be lying if I said that knowing at least some HTML and CSS is not an advantage.

What are the benefits of digital marketing?

Digital marketing offers several benefits, including increased brand visibility, targeted marketing, measurable results, and cost-effectiveness. It allows you to better understand your customers, to reach them more effectively, and to build a strong, loyal following.

How much time should social media marketing take me?

This is strongly dependent on your brand and where else you’re marketing.One thing that we will say, though, is brands often underestimate how long it takes to create a successful social media marketing campaign. Our team puts multiple hours in per week to create graphics, write content, engage with other brands, and stay on top of the most recent trends.
